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Alumni News

Hey there, D4!

Happy District Conference Day! I would like to start off by congratulating you on being part of today’s conference! I know things are a little different this year for those of you who have participated in districts in the past, however I want you all to remember to try your hardest and put your best foot forward. If this is your first time attending a SkillsUSA conference, I would like to welcome and congratulate you personally! To my seniors, I hope you consider becoming part of the SkillsUSA MA Alumni family. I think I speak for us all when I say we would love to have you! Though we are all saddened we can not be together today, we are excited to be able to hold this conference virtually and allow each one of you to strive to be the best version of you. No matter the outcome of today, you have accomplished so much already, and you are ALL Champions at Work!

Good Luck District 4!

Megan Mills

Alumni District 4 Representative

Hello District 5!

I hope everyone is excited for today’s virtual conference. You are about to embark on your SkillsUSA Massachusetts Journey. For those of you that this is your first year competing, try your best! You have already accomplished so much! If you are a senior, know that no matter what the results are, this does not have to be the end of your SkillsUSA Massachusetts Journey. You have the opportunity to come back as an Alumni and assist in providing an amazing experience for the future generations. Good Luck and remember no matter the results, you should be proud of yourself as you are a champion!

Best of Luck,

Kaitlyn Cahill

Alumni District 5 Representative

Hello District 1!

I hope everyone is ready for another great year of conferences! I would like to thank each and every one of you for competing in our virtual district competitions this year. I understand for those returning this will be a bit different than in the past, but I know you will all do your best and succeed! If this is your first time attending one of our conferences I would like to welcome you to our organization. For our seniors I welcome you back and hope I will be seeing you next year as an alumni! Thank you all for pushing through the challenges of this past year and sticking with our organization. No matter what happens today you have already put in more effort than most and proven you are hard workers.

Good luck today and make sure to thank your advisors for all the hard work they continue to do!

Wish you all the best,

Ethan Westcoat Alumni District 1 Representative

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2024 by SkillsUSA Massachusetts Alumni & Friends. 

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